Nutrisi Delima (pomegranate)
Buah delima mengandungi banyak vitamin seperti Vit A, C dan E. Dengan adanya vitamin-vitamin ini dapat mencegah daripada selesema yang biasa dialami oleh kita. Ianya juga mampu meningkatkan tahap imun dalam badan dengan meningkatkan rintangan terhadap serangan patogen yang berbahaya kepada badan.
Selain itu, delima juga mampu mengurangkan risiko penyakit jantung. Pengambilan delima setiap hari akan membetulkan sistem peraliran darah dalam badan dan kandungan antioksidan dalam buah ini dalam menghalang pembentukan kolesterol dan membersihkan arteri daripada membeku.
Kismis kaya dengan antioksidan (juga dikenali sebagai "antipenuaan") yang dapat membersihkan darah dan melancarkan perjalanan darah. Ianya juga dikatakan memberi kebaikan kepada kepadatan tulang (bone density). Mineral yang terkandung dalam kismis bekerjasama hormon estrogen pada wanita yang membantu menjadikan tulang lebih kuat dan terhindar dari osteoporosis (tulang rapuh).
Kismis juga baik untuk gusi dan gigi. Walaupun kismis merupakan sejenis snek yang melekat-lekat (Sticky) dan sangat manis, ianya tidak akan menyebabkan pereputan gigi atau penyalit gusi. Ini kerana kismis mengandungi fitonutrien (phytonutrient) dan asid oleonic. Kismis sangat membantu dalam 'mencerahkan mata' sepertimana karot kerana ianya mampu menghalang 'macular degeneration'.
Raisins are also great for healthy gums and teeth. Though raisins are sticky and very sweet, they do not cause tooth decay ore gum disease. The key ingredient in raisins that help promote good oral hygiene is called phytonutrients and olenolic acid. Raisins are also a preventative measure for macular degeneration, which is the health of your eyesight. Just as carrots are good for your eyesight as are raisins. Overall, raisins help with eyesight, oral hygiene and they act as antioxidants. Raisins are sweet and great tasting and promote good health.
Habbatus sauda' (Nigella sativa/ black seeds)
Two of the most volatile oils found in Black seed are nigellone and thymoquinone which were fist discovered in the herb in 1985. Nigellone offers both anti-spasmodic and bronchodilating properties which contribute to Black Seed's potency against respiratory ailments. It also acts as an antihistamine which helps to reduce the negative symptoms of allergy sufferers. Thymoquinone contains excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It is also a strong anti-oxidant and helps cleanse the body of toxins. Both nigellone and thymoquinone work in conjunction with one another to enhance Black Seed's action against respiratory ailments. It also provides a healthy alternative to the more commonly prescribed cortisone based therapies used by allergy sufferers.
Black seed provides a rich supply of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These ingredients play a key role in daily health and wellness. They help to regulate the metabolism, carry toxins to the skin's surface for elimination, balance insulin levels, regulate cholesterol, improve body circulation, and promote healthy liver function. A deficiency in polyunsaturated fatty acids can lead to a wide number of health problems including nervous system disorders, uninhibited growths, and skin diseases.
Black seed contains over 100 valuable nutrients. It is comprised of approximately 21% protein, 38% carbohydrates, and 35% plant fats and oils. The active ingredients of black seed are nigellone, thymoquinone, and fixed oils. Black seed also contains significant proportions of protein, carbohydrates and essential fatty acids. Other ingredients include linoleic acid, oleic acid, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B2, niacin, and vitamin C.
(Source: (dates)
Palm trees have been around for ever, and their fruits are small, brown and very sweet; Dates. Dates make a great dessert, but they also make a good, nutritious meal in them selves!
They are rich in minerals such as calcium, iron and potassium, and full of vitamins like vitamin A, B and C, they are also Cholesterol free.
Dates are used to cure lots of digestive illnesses; they are good for fighting constipation and heart-burns. They are also a great cancer fighter.
The sugar in Dates gives the body all the energy it needs to keep going, and at the same time, these sugars are easily digested and absorbed by the body, so the stomach doesn’t need so many complicated procedures to break them down and make use of them.
Madu (honey)
For decades, our ancestors have schooled us on the benefits of drinking tea. One of the most common home remedies for colds in yesteryear was that of the “hot totti,” which consisted of hot tea, lemon, honey, and a “swig” of spirits (whiskey, brandy, scotch)
Not only does Chai tea offer the health benefits that you get from the tea itself but the spices added have additional health benefits that you won't find in other types of tea. some spices that are typically added include Cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg and pepper.
Honey has been used as a dressing and first aid treatment for wounds, burns and cuts as it is able to absorb moisture from the air and promote healing. Its antibacterial properties prevent infection and functions as an anti-inflammatory agent, reducing both swelling and pain, and even scarring. It is widely believed that UMF Manuka is the preferred honey for wound dressing due to its strong antibacterial property.
Aromatherapy is a gentle and noninvasive complementary health care system used for balancing and synchronizing your body, mind, spirit and emotions to enhance your health. Properly administered essential oils are a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being and can produce satisfying results where other methods have failed. Please consult with your physician regarding serious health concerns and do not attempt to self diagnose.
Honey would be quite at home in your medicine cabinet. It has been used as early as 700 BC to aid healing, and was an ingredient in over 900 Ancient Egyptian remedies. Used topically it helps to ward off infection and soothes inflammation. Honey's healing properties have been shown even to speed up the healing of serious wounds caused by first-degree burns and surgical operations.
Vitamin D : The vitamin D , made speak about it each summer, it is this famous vitamin which the body can synthesize only under the effect of the rays of the sun. The vitamin D thus created on the level of the skin will play an important part on the level of the liver and muscles. In summer, the body stock this vitamin which it will use throughout the winter. The vitamin D is also present in certain food such as fatty fish, eggs, butter, mushrooms and the meat, but in relatively small quantity.
But the most effective use of honey is internally. Just taking one spoon of honey a day will be enough to eliminate most of the free radicals in your body. The reason for this is because honey raises the levels of antioxidant compounds in your body. Many controlled studies have been done to show that people on a daily regiment of honey, when given blood tests at the end of the study, showed higher levels of antioxidants.
Za'afaran (Saffron)
- depression
- asthma
- insomnia
- cancer
- hardening of the arteries (artherosclerosis)
- coughing
- whooping cough
- gas
- fright and shock
- spitting up blood
- pain
- dysmenorrhea (painful menstrual)
- premature ejaculation
- indigestion
- dry skin
- baldness
Zaitun (olive)
The greatest exponent of monounsaturated fat is olive oil, and it is a prime component of the Mediterranean Diet. Olive oil is a natural juice which preserves the taste, aroma, vitamins and properties of the olive fruit. Olive oil is the only vegetable oil that can be consumed as it is - freshly pressed from the fruit. | |
The beneficial health effects of olive oil are due to both its high content of monounsaturated fatty acids and its high content of antioxidative substances. Studies have shown that olive oil offers protection against heart disease by controlling LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels while raising HDL (the "good" cholesterol) levels. (1-3) No other naturally produced oil has as large an amount of monounsaturated as olive oil -mainly oleic acid.
Olive oil is very well tolerated by the stomach. In fact, olive oil's protective function has a beneficial effect on ulcers and gastritis. Olive oil activates the secretion of bile and pancreatic hormones much more naturally than prescirebd drugs. Consequently, it lowers the incidence of gallstone formation.
Price/ harga: RM 20.00
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